
Break On Element

A custom element that is a declarative MutationObserver for debugging. Instead of opening your developer tools to set these breakpoints wrap the element in the <break-on> custom element. See the demo.


import { BreakOnElement } from "";



<break-on attributes>
	<p>Will break on all attribute modifications for this element.</p>

<break-on attributes="class">
	<p>Will break on class name modifications for this element.</p>

<break-on attributes="class id">
	<p>Will break on class name and ID modifications for this element.</p>

<break-on attributes="class id" subtree>
	<p>Will break on class name and ID modifications for this element and its subtree.</p>

<break-on children>
	<p>Will break on adding and removing direct descendants.</p>

<break-on children subtree>
	<p>Will break on adding and removing all descendants.</p>

<break-on text>
	<p>Will break on text changes in the first top-level text node.</p>

<break-on text subtree>
	<p>Will break on all text changes within an element.</p>

<break-on selector=":scope > div > p" attributes="class">
		<p>Setting the breakpoint on a nested element</p>
